Thank You!

To all those who made this possible by donating or lending stuff, the musicians, stallholders and meeting hosts, staff at the Beaufort and the Riviera, the ones who did the leg work beforehand, everyone who helped out and participated, we extend our heartfelt thanks and congratulations on being part of a great day and night.

As ever some folk missed it through circumstances beyond their control, our warmest wishes to Lisa who’s looking after her dad, and Jonny who sorted us out with kit then couldn’t play the gig because the babylon closed Fratton station. We hope to host Eric Laursen in future, and Critisticuffs, who kindly donated their stall fee.

Working Class Question Time was a hit, we plan to do another as a stand alone event so give us a shout if you’d like to be involved in that.

We appreciate feedback, and if you get in touch we’d like to know how you found out about the event so we can target our publicity most effectively.

Thanks again

Radical Bookfair Collective x